Complaints Procedure
If you have a complaint relating to Park Estates, this statement sets out the procedures for dealing with the complaint.
Firstly, please discuss the matter with the person you have been dealing with. It will always be our aim to resolve the matter to a satisfactory conclusion.
If you are unable to find a solution, you should forward your complaint in writing to:-
Managing Director
Dianne Mohsen – Park Estates 46 Harrowby Street London W1H 5HT
Tel: 02077248888 Email:
Please write as much detail as possible. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 3 working days of receiving your correspondence. We may request further information and you will receive a copy of a consumer guide from a redress scheme.
Within 15 days of receiving your written complaint and having investigated the matter thoroughly you will receive in writing a letter from Park Estates informing you of the outcome and what action has been taken to resolve the complaint.
Once you have heard from Park Estates and if we cannot come to a satisfactory conclusion you can contact the Redress Scheme of which we are a member.
Their details are:-
The Property Ombudsman
Milford House
43-55 Milford Street
Salisbury Wiltshire SP1 2BP
Tel: 01722 333306
The Property Ombudsman will consider your complaint and take into account all responses.
You will need to submit your complaint to the Property Ombudsman within 12 months of receiving our response letter to include any evidence to support the case.
The Property Ombudsman’s Office will try to settle the dispute by agreement between you and Park Estates. If this is unsuccessful, The Property Ombudsman will consider all the relevant factors and make a final decision according to what they believe to be fair. If you are not satisfied you are free to seek other advice.